Would you like to improve productivity in your business?
Business owners and managers are always looking for ways to not only save on their taxes, but also to improve productivity. Having your business become more productive helps with profits. Here are a couple areas that you might have overlooked.
EDUCATE EMPLOYEES ON FINANCES – Did you know that a lot of your employees are stressed over financial issues? This stress carries over to their work and therefore hurts productivity. Not only does the stress carry over, but also because of financial issues they are spending time at work having to field phone calls from creditors or making financial arrangements. This costs your business money. If you can provide some sort of financial education to your employees then this will help them with their stress and will also free up some of their time to focus on work. You would be surprised how many of them have never really been taught money lessons. You could hold once a month or once a quarter education classes taught internally or externally that emphasize the importance of budgeting, saving, investing, & knocking out debt. People like to have a support group and by offering a financial class through work they will see that others are dealing with the same struggles. This will also show your support and concern for their well-being. When employees know you are concerned and care about them they are more inclined to stay. You have a lot invested in hiring the right employees. Everyone will win when your employees are not worrying about financial issues.
EXERCISING – What does exercise have to do with productivity in the workplace? When someone is healthy and exercising they have a lot of energy. It is very interesting to see the correlation of how much more productive people are in all areas of their life whenever they are healthy and exercising. Start by exercising yourself. As the owner or manager of a business, people look up to you and when they see a change in your productivity they will become curious. This will motivate them more as well as lead to a conversation on what has changed for you to be more productive. This can have a trickle-down effect and productivity will spread. Sound crazy? Think back to a day whenever you exercised really hard or were consistent with it. At those times, were you more productive? I would probably guess so. Exercising regularly makes people feel good, and having your overall mood and health being positive helps with someone being more productive.
Hopefully you received a couple areas that you might not have thought about in order to improve productivity. You can spend lots of hours and money looking into ways to improve productivity in your business, but if the areas above are a dark cloud over you and your employees the efforts will be lost.
If you ever have any questions related to your accounting, business, and taxes feel free to contact us.
We would love to hear your stories on how the areas mentioned in this blog have impacted your business. Please leave us a comment and tell us your story.