Looking for ways to save some time in your QuickBooks file?
At Joshua Wilson CPA PC, most of our clients are using QuickBooks for their business. So from time to time, we like to post helpful tips on using QuickBooks.. Below are a list of shortcuts that we have found to be very helpful not only for our clients but for us as well. Some of these shortcuts can be faster than using your mouse. Consider this article your “QuickBooks Shortcut Cheat Sheet”.
Enter the following into the date section for shortcuts on dates:
T = Today’s Date.
M = First Day of the month you are working in.
H = Last Day of the month you are working in.
Y = First Day of the year.
R = Last Day of the year.
- = Move the date up by one day each click.
- = Move the date down by one day each click.
Entering the following with your keyboard can save you time on pulling up everyday items that you typically use such as Invoices, Registers, etc.
CTRL-D = This will delete a transaction that you currently have highlighted.
CTRL-E = This will edit a transaction that you currently have highlighted.
CTRL-F = This will pull up the Edit Find section. From here you can look for a specific transaction.
CTRL-G = For transfer transactions you can click this to view the register of the corresponding account.
CTRL-H = You can use this on certain transactions to see the history of this type of transaction.
CTRL-I = Pulls up the window to create a new invoice.
CTRL-J = This will pull up the Customer Center. From here you can edit customer information, add new customers, etc.
CTRL-N = Create a new Transaction in whatever area you are currently in. For example, if you have your chart of accounts up, simply click CTRL-N and you will start to setup a new chart of accounts item. If you are in the check register and you click the CTRL-N, this will allow you to pull up a new check to enter.
CTRL-O = Use then when in a transaction to copy the entire transaction. The CTRL-V will paste a copy of that transaction you copied.
CTRL-P = Allows you to print.
CTRL-R = Pulls up the option to go to any register. If you have more than one check register you will have the option to select which one you would like to go to. QuickBooks keeps a register for balance sheet items so this is a quick way to see what is in a particular register. This feature is mostly used to pull up the check register very quickly.
CTRL-T = This will pull up any memorized transactions that you have saved in your Memorized Transaction List
CTRL-W = Write Checks window.
CTRL-1 = Will give you all of your product information such as location of the file you are working in, license and product numbers, List Information, File size, etc. All of these could be helpful when loading backups and Tech Support.
CTRL-PGUP & CTRL-PGDN = Use this when in the register to move up and down one month.
All of the above items will help you Navigate QuickBooks a little more effecient and will save you some time. We offer QuickBooks training as part of our services as well as we offer you a way to purchase QuickBooks. If you have any questions or problems about QuickBooks feel free to contact us.